Satellite Workshop - Albania, Japan and Spain
Avni Berisha
NanoAlb, University of Prishtina, Republic Kosovo
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Full Professor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Republic of Kosovo. Prof. Berisha leads the Materials Science - Nanochemistry Research Group under NanoAlb, an initiative of the Albanian Academy of Science, which fosters collaboration in nanoscience across Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. His research is mainly focused on surface modification of materials through covalently grafted nanometric 2D organic layers, computational chemistry (DFT, MC MD and Molecular Docking), electrochemistry (with a focus on corrosion and sensors), and the adsorption of pollutants using nanostructured adsorbents. Prof. Berisha has authored over 208 scientific publications. With an h-index of 43 and more than 5,450 citations, his work has garnered significant international recognition. He has also contributed to numerous book chapters and led several scientific projects. His achievements have recently earned him a place in Stanford's Top 2% Scientist Rankings, underscoring his significant influence in the scientific community. He is actively involved in academic and scientific policy as a member of the State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA). Additionally, he represents Kosovo on the Board of Governors of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.
Elena Del Corro
ICN2, Spain
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

I got the Doctorate in Chemistry in 2011 in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, to study carbon materials under pressure. I carried out secondments in the Université Lyon I (France, 2007), for high pressure experiments in graphene, and the University of Texas at Dallas (USA 2010), to perform “straintronics” in carbon nanotubes. As post-doc I first stayed in the Universidade Federal Minas Gerais (Brazil, 2012) for resonant Raman studies in new 2D materials; then I moved to the Heyrovsky Institute (Prague, 2014) for high pressure combined with Raman studies on 2D materials. In the present I hold a Ramon y Cajal tenure grant in the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology working on the development of neural interfaces. Recently, I got a scientist position of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). I lead national and European research projects and have been recently granted with an ERC-Consolidator.
Gjergj Dodbiba
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Dr. G. Dodbiba earned his Ph.D. in materials-process engineering in 2004. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from 2004 to March 2006. From 2004 to 2009, he served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosystem Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Systems Innovation at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Engineering.
Dr. Dodbiba's research focuses on the behavior of materials, minerals, solid wastes, and effluents in aqueous systems, intersecting physics, physical chemistry, and colloidal chemistry. He has authored over 120 peer-reviewed papers on the physical and chemical processing of composite materials.
Yasuaki Einaga
Keio University, Japan
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Yasuaki Einaga received his BS (1994), MS (1996), and PhD (1999) from the University of Tokyo. After 2 years as a research associate at the University of Tokyo, he started a faculty career as an assistant professor in Keio University in 2001, where he was promoted to full professor in 2011. He has been also a research director of JST-CREST (2011-2014), JST-ACCEL (2014-2020), and NEDO (2020-). He was awarded "The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work" in 2016 for his pioneering work in diamond electrodes. His research interests include functional materials science, photochemistry, and electrochemistry
Albana Hasimi
Polytechnic University of Tirana, NanoAlb, Albania
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Anila Hoda
Agriculture University of Tirana, Nanoalb, Albania
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Nensi Isak
NanoAlb, University of Prishtina, Republic Kosovo
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Takeshi Kondo
Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Takeshi Kondo received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 2004. He became an assistant professor in 2004, a junior associate professor in 2013, an associate professor in 2019, and a professor in 2024 at Tokyo University of Science. His research interests include functionalization of diamond and application of diamond to electrochemical devices such as electrochemical sensors, electrolysis system and chemical energy devices
Partizan Malkaj
Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Daniel Maspoch
ICN2, Spain
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Dr. Daniel Maspoch is an ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at ICN2 (Spain). His main interests focus on reticular materials, clip-off chemistry and delivery systems. He is the author of over 210 articles, has filed 13 patents (4 of which have been licensed), has signed 4 technology transfer contracts, has developed 3 technologies that are available on the market, and is the co-founder of the spin-off company Ahead Therapeutics. In recent years, he has received prestigious ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grants, been awarded several prizes including the Rei Jaume I Award, and has been appointed as a new Corresponding Academician of the Royal Spanish Academy of Science (RAC).
Aitor Mugarza
ICREA / ICN2, Spain
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Prof. Aitor Mugarza graduated in physics in 1997 and completed his PhD in the same field in 2002, both at the Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country). He was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship to work as a postdoctoral scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) and the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB). He joined the former Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology in 2007 with a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship. In 2013 he became group leader of the Atomic Manipulation and Spectroscopy Group at ICN2. He has been an ICREA Research Professor since 2015.
Yuya Oaki
Keio University, Japan
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Yuya Oaki is a Professor of Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University, Japan. He received his Ph. D. in 2006 from Keio University and worked at The University of Tokyo as a postdoctoral fellow. He moved back to Keio University. His current research interest is soft 2D materials (layered structures and nanosheets), conjugated polymers, and their applications, such as batteries, catalysts, and sensors. He worked as a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) PRESTO project researcher from 2016–2019 to study machine learning. Now, his group has developed a new approach combining machine learning and chemical insight for small data.
Fetah Podvorica
University of Prishtina, Republic Kosovo
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Fetah Podvorica is Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Prishtina and Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosova. Since 2014 he has been visiting professor at University of Paris, former University of Paris 7, and previously was visiting professor at Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie de Paris (ESPCI); during the period 2003-2013. He did his PhD thesis at the University of Paris 7 in 2000 and his Habilitation he obtained in 2010 at the University of Paris 6. His research interests include: electrochemical or chemical modification of material’s surfaces with 2D organic thin layers and their use for different applications; the use of Electro-Fenton method for the degradation of organic pollutants in waste water. He has 2 patents, 3 book chapters, 50 published papers in peer review journals, H index: 25 and over 5200 citations (scholar). He is Associate Editor in the Springer journal, Chemistry Africa.
Javier Rodríguez-Viejo
UAB / ICN2, Spain
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Javier Rodríguez-Viejo is Full Professor of Applied Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB) and leads the Group of Thermal Properties of Nanoscale Materials at the UAB and the ICN2. He performed the experimental part of his doctoral thesis at the Institut des Materiaux et Procedés CNRS, France and received his PhD in Physics from UAB in 1992. He continued his studies as a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working with Prof. Klavs F. Jensen (Chemical Eng. and Material Science Dep.) and Prof. M.G. Bawendi (Chemistry Dep.) on the synthesis of highly-luminescent CdSe(ZnS) quantum dots and the deposition of thin film quantum dot composites by electrospray organometallic chemical vapor deposition. His research in this field resulted in several patents and papers, one of which is among the most highly cited papers in semiconductor nanoparticles. In May 1997 he was appointed Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the Physics Department of UAB and in 2011 became Full Professor at the same university. He has been visiting scientist at Air Products in Allentown, US (July-August 2008) and Harvard University (May-September 2016).
Mai Tomisaki
Kyushu University, Japan
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Mai Tomisaki is an Assistant Professor at International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University, Japan from 2022. She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in science from Keio University, Japan in 2017 and 2018, respectively. She received a Ph.D. degree in science from Keio University in 2021 under the supervision of Professor Yasuaki Einaga. Her research interests include electrosynthesis of useful compounds, fine bubbles, and carbon-based electrode materials
Takashi Uemura
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Takashi Uemura obtained his PhD at Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University in 2002. He then began his academic career as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry in Kyoto University. In 2018, he moved to the University of Tokyo where he holds the position of Professor. During the last five years, he has delivered >70 invited lectures at conferences and symposia. He has received a number of awards, including the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award for Young Chemists, Kao Research Initiative Award, JSPS Prize, CSJ Award for Creative Works, and Inoue Prize for Science. He has been appointed as Associate Editor of several international journals, such as Dalton Trans. (RSC), Chem. Lett. (CSJ), and Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (CSJ). He also joined the Advisory Board of Chem. Sci. (RSC) in 2019. His research interest focuses on the preparation of synergistic nanohybrids between porous coordination compounds and polymeric materials, in particular, polymer chemistry in confined nanospaces
Majlinda Vasjari
University of Tirana, Albania
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Majlinda Vasjari is currently professor in Analytical Chemistry Group at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana. She obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry at University of Tirana (1997, Albania) and followed various postdoctoral researches in various european universities supported by TEMPUS program, DAAD, Erasmus mundus, etc. She is/was coordinator of national and international EU projects (Erasmus+ Program, Twinning, Ceepus network, COST Action), as well as bilateral projects Albania-Italy, Albania-Turkey, etc. Her research interests include environmental studies and nanotechnology (designing sensitive and selective modified analytical sensors and biosensors using nanomaterials, biomolecules, plant tissue, etc). She has more than 60 published papers in peer review journals, 1 book chapter. Since 2020 she is Co-coordinator of the Albanian Unit of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoAlb), next Academy of Science of Albania.
Kledi Xhaxhiu
University of Tirana, Albania
Workshop - Cooperation event between Albania, Japan and Spain

Kledi Xhaxhiu is a full time professor at the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana. He is also acting as a co-coordinator of the Albanian Unit of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoAlb). For 1.5 year he was deputy minister of the environment of Albania. Kledi Xhaxhiu studied Food Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana. Elaborated the diploma thesis at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry-Biology, University of Siegen, Germany. Completed PhD at the same university and faculty at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. Participated in an internship at the Intermediate Products Department, BASF A.G. Ludwigshafen, Germany. He Post-doctorated at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. He has co-authored over 65 publications in international and national scientific journals and has presented in more than 40 international and national scientific conferences. He is an as editorial board member of 6 scientific international journals and member of scientific/advisory board of 14 international conferences. His research interests of include syntheses and structural characterization of solid compounds, thermal expansion and thermal behavior of solids, physical properties of solid compounds and their composites with conducting polymers, such as: thermoelectric and photo-sensorial; adsorption-desorption of heavy metals on layered/channeled solids, adsorption-desorption of organic pollutants from clays and fly ash; carbon paste electrodes for targeted determination and quantification of electro-active compounds in aqueous solutions; sub- and supercritical extraction of essential oils from plants and fruits. Actually cooperates with several research groups in distinguished universities abroad.
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